In our first Business of Technology article, we took a look at the audio industry's falling star, Creative Labs. As the first in a new series of articles we were especially interested in feedback from you, the reader, and were not disappointed. Thank you for that feedback, it hasn't fallen on deaf ears and has gone into improving this and future Business of Technology articles.

With that out of the way, for our second article in this series we'll jump right into the fray and take a look at one of the titans of the computer industry: Intel. Intel has a long and rich history; so long in fact that the company existed before most of the AnandTech staff, a bit of a rarity in the computer industry. It's the long history of Intel and the ramifications of such that make it such an interesting and unusual company to fully grasp.

While we take a look at a number of Intel products here at AnandTech, few people actually realize the scope of the company - from our reviews you would think that Intel is a processor company, a chipset company, a motherboard company, and that's it. In reality they're also a major player in wireless communications, graphics (albeit integrated), flash memory, networking, embedded chips, and more. Processors are their biggest source of revenue and profit by far, but the other groups nevertheless still play a part.

As is customary with this series, today we'll take a look at Intel from both sides - business and technology - to understand what the company has been doing the past quarter, and where they are going in the near future. Intel is of course a very powerful technology company, but they also do a solid job of managing their overall business interests. As we'll see, this has made Intel a very solid company over the past quarter, but also one that will be fighting against growth concerns.

Intel by the Numbers
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  • BladeVenom - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 - link

    Click on the Yahoo chart, then enter AMD, and compare.
  • BladeVenom - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 - link

  • Dfere - Tuesday, October 30, 2007 - link

    Good Summary Article.

    I'm not sure if you have a description correct. I think "expected component" above as used in describing dividends are included in a pricing model as opposed to "required component" is more a appropriate economic term, unless "required component" is an actual economic term I have not been exposed to.

    On a devious note, is it merely coincidence that everyone has a computer about time Moores law seems to be breached? I think not. I see someone's hand in this.

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